Sunday, December 31, 2006


Closing the year 2006

Today is this years's very last chance to raise up from the sofa and get oneself outside - between the showers. The nearest summit "Ådnanipa" is 1 hour away at 456 m altitude.

On the way I cross the postmans route used between Bergen and Oslo (Christiania) 200-300 years ago. My neighbours have also made their foot-steps in the muddy path today. In the cairn on the top there is a guestbook. I find more than 30 names written on the date 31.dec.06.

A few steps nearer the cliff I can look down to the inlet "Arnavågen" and back to Garnes. Today the view look like this.

Beetween the dark and rainy clouds I can see a brighter one. We are waiting for winter and snow now. If snow falls, I think to myself that my next blog shold be named Wait and look for it in a few weeks. Anyway, Happy New Year!

Friday, December 29, 2006


Upstairs to the mountain-wastes

The mountain-wastes of Bergen is "Vidden", continuing behind the famous Ulriken summit, from where the song to Bergen was written. Starting from the outskirts of the city in Sædalen, we suddenly had to mount step by step this staircaise.

Further on we passed the water reservoirs and found the path leading uphill to "Turnerhytten", the gymnastics cabin. Halfway in the upper hillside there was a signboard so we cloud verify our direction.

Far behind is the city. The view is widening, but still we have a lot of steps to go. Further up a big cairn of stones has been built so the hikers can avoid dangerous cliffs. A cabin can be seen higher up, but when approaching, we realise that it's not the right one. At length we are on the mountain-wastes. Wind is stronger, but no rain today.

At an altitude of about 650 m we are there at "Turnerhytten". The poster on the wall to the right show the word we are looking for. The city is now beneath the television-mast at Ulriken seen to the left. Day is short, and we turn down. We just had time to get down before nightfall.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Hiking in a wet climate

Snow and winter activities is far away. Anyway we need som exercise between heavy Christmas meals. After a slow breakfast we are heading for a small mountain in the southern part of Bergen called Hamrefjellet (Smørås mountain).

Our progress is nearly obstructed by small pines with strong needles until we find a wet and narrow trail through the forest. Humidity of 100% is no problem, we are dressed in boots and rain clothes.

Higher up the ground is coverd by marsh, soft and muddy where people have walked. The main path is an old military road. Here som planks and pieces of timber have been laid down so people can avoid the wet marsh and balance forward step by step.

Wood has grown up and limit the views. It's a foggy day, so anyway there are no great views from the summit. Here is the top at just 280 m altitude.

In an open space by the path we reach a shelter called Vallebu. On the backwall is the solution of one of the tasks in a competition to win a mountain acquaintance button and a reward. So that was our objects?

After less than two hours we are back in the car and can undress our wet clothes before driving home for dinner.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Walk step by step around the Christmas tree

The official Christmas tree in the City of Bergen has its traditional place in the middle of a small lake "Smålungeren". Thousands of people had arrived to see the tree was lighted december 1th, they formed a long torch-light procession on the path around the lake. The arrangement closed with extensive fireworks.

I suppose that som of them looked up their stepcounter. About 900 steps pr. round means that 12 rounds is needed to reach 10.000 steps a day, what is recommended for supporting good health.

Here is the Christmas tree, photographed december 24th 2006. Temperature shown on the office building in backgrond is alternating beetveen +9 an +10 C, that is +49 F.

Location of the Christmas tree can be found on Google Earth map by searching this coordinates: 60.3905 (North) and 5.3281 (East).
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Ibsen på Karl Johan

Henrik Ibsen gjekk opp og ned Karl Johan til faste tider mellom bustaden i Arbiens gate og Grand Cafe. Ein spasertur på Karl Johan høyrer også med når vi som kjem frå provinsen er på tur til hovudstaden. Gata er pynta for å markera utdelinga av Nobels fredspris.

No i Ibsen-året er sitat frå diktinga hans støypt inn i gatesteinen på det breie fortauet langs Nationaltheateret bortover til Studenterlunden.

Kjende og mindre kjende sitat, og når eg kjem heim skal "Ibsens samlede verker" hentast fram frå bokhylla for å finna ut meir. På tide å friska opp litt av lærdommen frå gymnastida; Vildanden, De Unges Forbund, En Folkefiende, Peer Gynt og Brand...

Kunstnarane bak prosjeket er Ingrid Falk og Gustavo Aguerre. Framlegg til nye sitat kan meldast inn over internett
Opplev meir av Ibsen her.
Borte i Spikersuppa er det skøyteis å gå på for dei som har utstyret med seg.

Elles må eg konstatera at Oslo har kumlok å vera stolte over, med St. Hallvard som motiv som i byvåpenet. St. Hallvard er vernehelgen (skytehelgen) for Oslo.

We are in Oslo - there is a saint in the Oslo city logo. The pavements and side-walks down the main street Karl Johan have quotations by the author Henrik Ibsen. First quotation is: "Forever owned is just what's lost".

Sunday, December 03, 2006



1.desember 2006.
Når butikkane freistar med nattope, kjem det mykje folk til byen, og det blir fin stemning i gatene. Eg legg turen forbi Håkonshallen, som ligg bada i flomlys. Månen er også til stades i kveld.

På Bryggen er verdsarven pynta med lys til jul. Det er fredagskveld og sesong for julebord. Desto meir viktig blir det å gå ein tur og brenna kaloriar. Ein spasertur langs Bryggen gjer godt. Her er det god plass til å øva seg på nokre dansesteg, sidan det kanskje er ei stund sidan sist.

I Strandgaten er julehandelen i gang. Startskotet skulle vera 1.desember i år, ikkje før. Men no går det unna, det er berre å ta steget innom butikkane. Utover mot Gågaten og attende, det kan bli eit heilt stykke å gå. Men i dei største varehusa er det rulletrappene som går. Likevel vert det mange steg, for å hengja med på damene sine handleløyper kan vera stritt.

Strandgaten, Strandkaien og Torgallmenningen med tverrgater er unnagjort, så no gjeld det å halda godt på alle bereposane. Galleriet med alle rulletrappene har meir å by på. Her er det tid for å gjera tyngre innkjøp. Å kjøpa er ei like stor glede som å få, så lenge kontoen tillet det. Og sjølvsagt må vi få med oss julestemninga i Peparkakebyen.

Tida renn ut, så langt kom vi. No skal varene fraktast bort til Arnatoget, steg for steg, på ein tungt lasta kløvhest. Heilt "nattope" var det altså ikkje. Då hadde det blitt mange fleire steg, og morgontoget heimover.

Late night shopping in the World Heritage City of Bergen. Many steps is needed to see the Christmas decorated streets. And inside one of the stores there is a ginger-snap city.

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